Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Been A Long Time re-CAP! 9/22/08

Been way too long since I've brought the CAP, been so busy I could not even document my amazing back to back 1st to 2nd place finish in one night! Ah but i'm a gracious winner so lets begin in the present, where the new kid takes it down, a flukedonk catches multiple miracles and yours truly is there to bring it to u, let us begin the blood letting...

Satoshi - The new Cobra played a solid game, was chip leader most of the game, used Mike as his personal atm, lost a lot to Trish but got it back, got rivered by Brian and found a way to win, props for now new kid.

Brian - Had absolutely no business getting 2nd place money, I lost count how many times he bad beat or rivered someone, got up from his chair to leave then boom another miracle river, it was beyond redonkulous. Should have ended up 5th out.

Adolfo - Rivered by Brian, if it wasn't for luck....infinite loop.

Frank - Bad beat by Brian twice, could not cash despite catching Aces back to back and QQ twice, back to the mid pack you go.

Trish - Immediately made Satoshi his ATM, then decided to double Mike up about 3 times, gave me a boat load of chips. He came in the game at the 4th level (bs) with fewer players, became chip leader and still couldn't close the f'ing deal, he may want to rethink that Vegas trip. Winner of the it was his game to lose and he did award.

Aaron - Ugh, wheres my copy/paste? ah here it is, "He got chips early, and slowly bled bye bye" infinate loop.

Mike - It was like a cow trying to cross a pond full of piranhas, almost everyone got a bite, even the real donks.

John - Went Elvin in his bathroom, eat his pizza, and took his money. Had a cute moment when he took the easy Mike chips one hand. Besides that it was sweet mother of mediocrity 3rd out meh.

Chris - Rivered by Brian.

Carlino - Jesus where do i begin? How bout when he mucked in the big blind out of turn? Brian said, "am I going to be the first person to ever get a walk in the small blind?". Yeah that pretty much sums up this 08 sophmore slumpwreck.