Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bok Bok Chico Blue Moon re-CAP! 2/26

This game was originally slated to be Chico vs. 415 but it appears Andy got wise and decided to play with his Hamms drinking backwoods a$$ jug band instead (f'ing coward).

I get to the house of Clipper and notice the sweet smell of Jumbalia in the air. Franks on the deck with headphones on, smoking a cigar psyching himself out, I can tell he's on a mission, a mission he gets a lot of help with.

Frank - Aces, KK, Boat, Quads, trips, was pretty obvious the poker gods were not going to allow frank to lose this one, he was pummeled with hands. Final hand Erik AA vs Frank Kx board is kxxkx, way to catch! Factoid, it took Frank OVER a year to pull down a win, wonder how long it'll take for the next one? Happy win day to frank, lets all sing it to him and let him blow out the candle.

Erik - Nice graduation from the kiddie table game of last week, he don't play much but when he does it gets interesting, sometimes. Sweet move of the night is when he's heads up with frank and makes frank lay down KK, cause and A showed, ah but Erik shows the J7!

Chris - Well well well look who broke even. He even had Aces! what is the world coming to?

- Was the human pinata for most of the game, then went to a shovedonkfest and won about 6 of em. Not bad when the blinds = 900 it almost makes one look like they are good, but a crucial doubling up of Erik ended the luck parade. Then there was one last embrace with all in, then it was gutting time for the cripple.

Adolfo - A nice video of me getting high by licking the blood of Bec and Carlino off the razor blade I slashed them with, too bad I lost the coinflip to Erik during the shovefest.

Carlino - Sophmore slump sophmore slump sophmore slump, as Morrisey says, "We hate it when our friends become successful", cmon admit it we love to build em up and tear em down. Back to the crying pillow for the cursed year kid. On the upside John doubled him up, ah big wow.

John - Ugh how is this kid still 3rd on the cash board? Typical John, big stack early and finds a way to donk em off (infinate loop), meh non factor.

Rebecca - The food smelled great, thanks for the Tums, it got rough for her early.

Aaron -What the hell was I thinking taking Aaron to last longer than Erik? (Sorry Erik) Easy side action money for John. His last hand was classic AK vs Franks AJ board hits JxAAx, the oscar goes to Frank for going master thespian on Aaron, just sold him a lemon to drive home in. First out First out First out beyond trainwreck.

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