Erik - He was down to a short stack then caught quads, straights, pairs, rivers galore, nice come back and nice misread by telling Hai he won with a straight when actually he busted out. Oh well sometimes I would like to be more lucky then smart too ( i kid i kid!).
Dave - How did he get this far? Singlehandedly destroyed Clipper, knocked out Johns all in with A6, River straights Bec calling it down, need I say more?
Adolfo - Came out strong, gave Satoshi a giant gift, then made an amazing comeback only to get river'd out by unicorn horseshoe Harve for a cash. If it wasn't for luck... read my book.
Hai - all in, all in, all in, i won! oh wait i'm out, silence.
Trish - was short, got some chips, lost them, wanted us out.
Chris - Was a folding machine for the longest time, finally plays a few hands Erik goes with a flush draw, Chris says he has the nuts, a made straight ah but apparently theres a better nut flush on the river, Fah and indeed Sheeee. Winner curse is strong with this one, winner curse winner curse winner curse.
Satoshi - I gave him a huge pot gift and what does he do? Gives it to everyone, especially Dave. He did make a big fold laying down QQ's alas his arse was firmly handed to him.
Bec - A monster chip leader after fleecing John, falls in love with her KK and Dave catches a straight on the river and leaves her with almost nothing. Next hand Erik raises she goes all in (which is less than the raise) Erik shows 22 vs Becs 10 x, Erik flops 22x for quads, how do u say insult to injury in Cobespeak? 1st 09 winner of the it was her game to lose and she did award.
Carlino - Does anyone remember him in the game? Meh i'm sure he asked if it was his turn a few times. Oh yeah bec AA vs lino tripped flop, turn bec catches up, and it's boat over bigger boat buh and bye.
John - Had a good stack early and got pillaged by Bec, on the short stack he goes all in with 33 vs Daves A6, Dave rivers an A that I dealt, ah your welcome. First to Worst, First out first out first out.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Slumlord Riverdonk
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