Monday, March 2, 2009

Times they r a changin re-CAP!

Frank - The jauggernaut of the night second place in the main event then 1st place in game 2 despite being the short stack 4 way, very impressive given this guy doesn't know what hand he has or what game were playing for petes sake ;) well done well done.

Carlino - Game 1 bubble donk, only to give it away game 2, why can't he close? but an impressive cash/snipe % eh whatever coffees for closers suck it and stick to the side action.

Brian - He had a goal of cashing that night, game 1 4th out mehfest, ah but 2nd chances cute little break sans game 1 of course. Incidentally Brian snipes out John in Hand #3!

Bec - Becs been playing some solid poker as of late with some impressive results, I actually think she's the muscle in the Clipper house and will probably end up near the top at year end despite this little bubble and game 1 ugliness.

Adolfo - Was killing it game 1 early then lost my mind and gave Satoshi a nice huge gift in a box wrapped with a bow on top. No way he wins without my charity, game 2 i had no chance.

Satoshi - The Sniper king got a gift from me and put them to good work ending game 1 in near record time was a monster chip leader most of the game. Ah but did u notice game 2? see what happens when he doesn't get the charity of others? Just sayin is all.

Trish - Game 1 break even, game 2 meh, who knew veggie stuff could be so meaty/spicy/nom nom heaven? now get out.

Chris - Champ Curse duh, boom done.

John aka Jelvin - Sweet jesus where do I begin with this epic train wreck? Oh how bout the side action he had that someone would go first out at level 4 but loses the bet cause someone goes out level 2, who u ask? Jelvin! No need to remind he went BACK TO BACK FIRST OUT, oh god wait I need a min. I'm doubled over in laughter typing that, milk came out of my nose on my keyboard, and i'm tearing up it's just too damn rich I mean, no I musn't oh here I go BACK TO BACK FIRST OUT! ahahaha, ok ok ok must catch breath ok.

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