Tuesday, March 10, 2009

R.I.P. re-CAP!

This is a farewell letter to what we knew as the Cobra poker recap. I've had a recent revaluation resulting after some thought on last weeks game. The scenario played out in typical fashion, player (me) gets knocked out and is steaming from losing so that player vents with some nonsensicle typical "nice catch" or generic response (u can b the judge if it was or not, don't think its Germain to this letter). What made it unique this time was the vehement/angry/personal response back to said player from some (not all) at the table. Actually it was kind of shocking especially since I've seen/heard these same players say things like, "Wow if I knew he played that bad I wouldn't have ..." or others say "Nice Catch" upon busting out countless times, without a peep in response from anyone.

After some thought and indirect feedback from someone like Rebecca I've discovered that she thinks the recap is nothing more than an excercise in being "mean". At first I did not take this seriously due to the fact that this is not where the cap was coming from at all, let me be clear about this, NOT AT ALL. My obvious conclusion in light of last weeks outbursts is if one person feels that way then others must as well. For disclosure I am not intending to direct this at Rebecca it's just that she was honest enough to tell someone how she felt, and that's fine. I just want to be clear that I am not in the business of wanting anyone to feel personally attacked and I apologize if I have inadvertently hurt your feelings or egos.

Everything I've written or done was in the spirit of commaderie of the group and to put it bluntly, fun (at least some of us thought so). Lets remember that needling during a Cobra game is fun and even encouraged! However sometimes perception can become what appears to be reality to some. I jokingly played the role of antagonist purposly acting like Helmuth or Matasow cause it was rediculous and made me laugh how absurd they are, in fact I was given a "I'm surrounded by idiots" shirt, do I really think that? Absolutely not, but playing that role too long seems to have solidified in the thoughts of some. So the act + the recap could = false representation of who some may think I am. I am not an antagonist and I am obviously not Helmuth/Matasow in real life, so the act and the recap stops now.

Truth be told I think all of the Cobras are worthy, fiercely competitive poker players. Lets be blunt, no one is truly better than the other, a great deal (not all) of this game relies on chance and judging game play is nothing more than subjective interpretation.

After the response at last weeks game the value proposition of writing the recap is just no longer justified for me, in fact it seems like a negative return (and i'm not talking dollars). Being a relatively new father in addition to work and life does not afford me the time to allow for any kind of in depth or even shallow hand breakdowns, finding of images, and postings I'd would prefer to do, especially with the flurry of games as of late. Perhaps someone will take the torch, or not, whatever, it was fun, for most of it anyhow, keyword FUN.

Good luck to you all,
I hope you all win 2nd place YOUR FRIEND,

PS you didn't think I'd let it go with out one last review did you? Ok this one is what I really think of you.

Rebecca - last games winner, great with numbers, rock solid player, hmm seem to recall last weeks recap essentially saying the same thing despite her results. In my opinion shes one of the top 3 players this year.

Frank - solid player, most become cautious when he enters the pot, has shown some "fancy" play as of late, nice to see him open his game up with good results.

John - extremely dangerous player, has several gears and your never really sure which one he's in. this gives him the opportunity to send you to chip heaven or worse chip hell. hes been making some impressive reads as of late with several big calls and folds.

Chris - A rock solid player with a very well rounded game, has an almost unmatched patience I rarely if ever see in a "younger" player. He's the most improved player I've seen since starting with the Cobras.

Satoshi - what makes him a viable contender is that he's such a "feel" player relying on his gut. this type of player tends to have monster chip swings as we have seen. It's alot of fun to watch a gut player with this much heart play. He too has vastly improved his tournament play.

Brian - another player whos great with numbers, math is an important facit of the game and it's always important to know both where you and your opponents are. Not quite sure what kind of player Brian is which tells me he's evolving and that in itself is interesting.

Trish - a smart all around player, he knows the numbers rock solid, he knows when he needs to do what at just the right time, Trish does not allow u to make many mistakes with him and he does not make many mistakes with you, this makes him a very difficult opponent to play.

Carlino - has a little bit of everything, numbers, reads, gut, heart, gonna be interesting to watch as he develops all those aspects of his game, has a lot more potential than we have seen.

Justin - tons of heart and fearless. We never know which Justin will show up to play and it's that unpridictability makes him dangerous by default.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Times they r a changin re-CAP!

Frank - The jauggernaut of the night second place in the main event then 1st place in game 2 despite being the short stack 4 way, very impressive given this guy doesn't know what hand he has or what game were playing for petes sake ;) well done well done.

Carlino - Game 1 bubble donk, only to give it away game 2, why can't he close? but an impressive cash/snipe % eh whatever coffees for closers suck it and stick to the side action.

Brian - He had a goal of cashing that night, game 1 4th out mehfest, ah but 2nd chances cute little break sans game 1 of course. Incidentally Brian snipes out John in Hand #3!

Bec - Becs been playing some solid poker as of late with some impressive results, I actually think she's the muscle in the Clipper house and will probably end up near the top at year end despite this little bubble and game 1 ugliness.

Adolfo - Was killing it game 1 early then lost my mind and gave Satoshi a nice huge gift in a box wrapped with a bow on top. No way he wins without my charity, game 2 i had no chance.

Satoshi - The Sniper king got a gift from me and put them to good work ending game 1 in near record time was a monster chip leader most of the game. Ah but did u notice game 2? see what happens when he doesn't get the charity of others? Just sayin is all.

Trish - Game 1 break even, game 2 meh, who knew veggie stuff could be so meaty/spicy/nom nom heaven? now get out.

Chris - Champ Curse duh, boom done.

John aka Jelvin - Sweet jesus where do I begin with this epic train wreck? Oh how bout the side action he had that someone would go first out at level 4 but loses the bet cause someone goes out level 2, who u ask? Jelvin! No need to remind he went BACK TO BACK FIRST OUT, oh god wait I need a min. I'm doubled over in laughter typing that, milk came out of my nose on my keyboard, and i'm tearing up it's just too damn rich I mean, no I musn't oh here I go BACK TO BACK FIRST OUT! ahahaha, ok ok ok must catch breath ok.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Online Dealer School re-Cap!

Trish - Just used Frank as his pesonal doormat, ash tray, stepping stone despite being short stacked. Theres a new leader in town and it's Trish? he just pushed with 9/10 off and Frank had him crushed w/A4 and he happened to hit one of his cards go figure.

Frank - Didn't know what winning hand he landed most of the night. Had a monster stack and found a way to lose it, pretty much just handed trishan his wallet and said, "I trust you with it". Winner of the it was his game to lose and he did award. Nice back to back 2nd place, horrible for his heads up stats though.

Satoshi - Back to back break even, hey whats that little break even money doing in his hundies?

Hai - He is the bubble king, just give him the crown, i vote for this one, should i start a poll?

Rebecca - Meh

Ryan - Scared John off like usual.

Carlino - The best loser I know, how do u lose with trip Q's? ask lino. Can we just take turns kicking him in the groin next time? It's essentially the same thing.

Adolfo - Too busy eating chicken ala king to worry bout poker.

Cepideh - Johns atm but outlasted John? sweet Jesus cmon.

John - First out First out First out, thank god for 2nd chances huh? What did he do with all his free time between games? Dance!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Look What the Donk Dragged In re-CAP!

Adolfo - And so it begins...

Trish - Back to back cash, snipers John, Lino, and Justin not bad not bad. Was crushed heads up think misery scene, writer on bed, me with sledgehammer to Trish feet.

Justin - So close to the real money then Trish AJ ends his dream KJ for break even. He pretty much single handedly ended the Clipper run when he decimates John at Level 5 when he moves all in with 99's vs Johns AK draw doesnt come Justin doubles up to 7k. How can we forget the 64 straight vs becs AA win but of course. Then Julie all in w/10's and Justin crushing her with AA. Knocks out Aaron Quadruple couples snipe night only to result in a mediocre cash.

Chris - Jesus where do I begin with this train wreck, bad decision after bad decision, makes an unnecessary all in call vs me with over cards and i catch my only good card on river. He doesn't make a call with 3 players already in although he was priced in, becomes a huge pot, he would have more than tripled up with a full house. Folding your way to the money is just not a winning strategy anymore. Coulda woulda shoulda, bubble boy meh, winners curse winners curse winners curse

Aaron - Knocked out by Justin in a 3 way all in his AQ turns into garbage, this stinks of John advice. Least I got to shake his hand pre game.

Carlino - Sniped Brian out with quad mf'ing Queens, Sniped Satoshi when he got the straight before Satoshi didn't. He pulled his classic fold the big blind out of turn, it's a thing of beauty don't u think? Can we pitch in and buy him a mouse for the felt or something?

Bec - Allowed herself to get ridiculously short stacked, was less than 5x's the big blind when she goes all in with AA vs Justins 64, we all know how that ends.

John - It was like watching a very very very small balloon deflate slowly, but with that high pitched squeal that they make, made Justin his personal ATM early then in typical fashion just hemorrhaged. This is how you end up 5th for the year, nice to see some things don't change. Oh and knocked out by Justin, let me repeat that, by Justin.

Satoshi - Kind of an 09 train wreck so far, what looked like a great rookie draft pick is looking like all the expert pickers were wrong. Don't remember much from this snake, cept that Lino put the laser dot on his forehead then it was sleeper cell time.

Brian - I think I remember him mentioning how he wasn't going to do much side action so that he could "focus". Here's a free tip maybe he should reduce his side action a bit more.

Julie - Widdled down then goes all in at a blank flop against Justin and says, "I've got him beat." Justin turns over AA, great read, oh and first out.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Slumlord Riverdonk

Erik - He was down to a short stack then caught quads, straights, pairs, rivers galore, nice come back and nice misread by telling Hai he won with a straight when actually he busted out. Oh well sometimes I would like to be more lucky then smart too ( i kid i kid!).

Dave - How did he get this far? Singlehandedly destroyed Clipper, knocked out Johns all in with A6, River straights Bec calling it down, need I say more?

Adolfo - Came out strong, gave Satoshi a giant gift, then made an amazing comeback only to get river'd out by unicorn horseshoe Harve for a cash. If it wasn't for luck... read my book.

Hai - all in, all in, all in, i won! oh wait i'm out, silence.

Trish - was short, got some chips, lost them, wanted us out.

Chris - Was a folding machine for the longest time, finally plays a few hands Erik goes with a flush draw, Chris says he has the nuts, a made straight ah but apparently theres a better nut flush on the river, Fah and indeed Sheeee. Winner curse is strong with this one, winner curse winner curse winner curse.

Satoshi - I gave him a huge pot gift and what does he do? Gives it to everyone, especially Dave. He did make a big fold laying down QQ's alas his arse was firmly handed to him.

Bec - A monster chip leader after fleecing John, falls in love with her KK and Dave catches a straight on the river and leaves her with almost nothing. Next hand Erik raises she goes all in (which is less than the raise) Erik shows 22 vs Becs 10 x, Erik flops 22x for quads, how do u say insult to injury in Cobespeak? 1st 09 winner of the it was her game to lose and she did award.

Carlino - Does anyone remember him in the game? Meh i'm sure he asked if it was his turn a few times. Oh yeah bec AA vs lino tripped flop, turn bec catches up, and it's boat over bigger boat buh and bye.

John - Had a good stack early and got pillaged by Bec, on the short stack he goes all in with 33 vs Daves A6, Dave rivers an A that I dealt, ah your welcome. First to Worst, First out first out first out.